Monday 5 August 2013

ISSB Psychology Test

Posted by Unknown
 In ISSB Psychological test one question in about writing a story for which a sentence is appear on screen for 30 second 3-1/2 minutes are given for writing on that sentence 


Alina was alone in home in a stormy noght and all of sudden…… 

As she finish her prayer she once again speak loudly her speech which she will speak in a contest which will held on Independence day at convention center and chaired by Prime Minister of Pakistan. The title of contest is “Pakistan Background and its present”. 
14 of August she come in convention center with her teacher and parents. Program start on time with recitation of Holy Qur’an and Naat, after it debater come and share their views. When her turn come announcer announce as the youngest debater of this contest. When she began and describe the creation of Pakistan tears are visible in every one present on dice. 
At the end when her name is announce for Winner of contest tears are now in her own eyes. Prime Minister give her 5000/- from his own Pocket to her.

Now do the above story is able to write in ISSB tests
You are invited to share your precious comments and give golden suggestions.
If any other give me good story then it is appreciated 

Other such like Sentences which appear in ISSB Test may be

1 She was going on the lonely/busy road in country side/city and all of sudden…..
2 Nasreen was alone in a jungle/forest and all of sudden…..
3 She was alone in a jungle/forest in a dark/windy/stormy night and all of sudden…..
4 Ali saw a beautiful girl laid on the lonely road and ……..
5 Hussain saw a beautiful girl in a jungle and all of sudden…….

I hope my respected co-members will also make some positive thinking short stories which show the nobility, courage, respect etc. (stories will not exceed from 12 lines of normal A4 size paper)

You need to work on your essay writing skills.

For example you are supposed to make a causal chain of sentences and start with a strong opening sentence.

Alina was alone in home in a stormy night and all of sudden… "As she finish her prayer she once again speak loudly her speech".

Make better sentences than that. "She recited her speech aloud". But even if you made that correction it makes no sense. This the meat of your opening sentence:

She was alone at home, all of a sudden she recited her speech aloud. What is so sudden about that? It kills the strength of the opening sentence.

Home alone on a stormy night I'd go for something dangerous to be the "sudden" event.

Other mistakes are your past/present tenses of words for e.g. "come" should be "came", "start" should be "started" and "announce" should be "announced". Remember its not the big mistakes that make you lose marks in English its the little ones.

1. Make good sentences: Express one idea per sentence, idea should be good, break them down to subject/Object/verb (SOV Rule). E.g. Raja(S) baked(V) a cake(O).

2. The end of one sentence should chain up with the beginning of the next sentence. Meaning the idea expressed in the first sentence should cause the idea of the 2nd sentences.

3. The ending sentence of one paragraph (oh and use one line spacing between paragraphs), should chain up with the starting sentence of the next one.

Causal (note not casual) chains between sentences and paragraphs make the essay more interesting for the reader.


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