Sunday 20 April 2014

Introduction To Intelligence Test Verbal & Non Verbal

Posted by Unknown
Verbal and NonVerbal Test
Verbal and Non Verbal Test

Intelligence is the ability to abstract, compare, contract and classify
- Ebbinghans
Intelligence is the power of reasoning and adjustment to new situations
- Cyril Burt
The word intelligence has been defined in different ways by various psychologist, but they all are agree to one simple definition which states:
“Intelligence means an innate ability to solve problems”
This ability is not gained by reading books, doing exercises, but is available from person to person from his birth. This intelligence is the essence of the faculties of understanding, reasoning, judgement, adaptability, persistence and self-criticism.
A man apart from the general intelligence has special aptitude. Hence, it is essential to select the appropriate person for the appropriate job. Intelligence test have been  evolved by the Federal Public Service Commissions and other various civil and military examinations in Pakistan to select suitable persons for fulfilling various appointments in the different departments.
These test are also conducted are also conducted by Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB) for candidates who are willing to join Army, Air Force and Navy. Therefore, the test of intelligence became the key point of all vocation test.
The advantage of these test is that it helps in selecting only those candidates who are not only sound in their body but also in their mind. As in their service these potential officers are faced with many complicated situations in which not only their own lives but also lives of hundred thousands are also at stake and if the officers are not sharp enough in intellect, they can not withstand heavy odds.

Types Of Intelligence Tests Held At ISSB Test Centers

The two types of intelligence tests held at ISSB Test Centers includes:
  • Verbal Intelligence Test.
  • Non Verbal Intelligence Test.

Verbal Intelligence Tests:

Verbal intelligence tests includes items that can be expressed in language forms. In this test you are given with a large no of questions which you have to solve in a very short period of time. About 80 questions in half an hour were when I passed my ISSB. The candidate must begin with with solving the easy ones and leaving the tricky or bit lengthy mathematics questions for remaining time at the end. You should try your best to answer them correctly while remaining clam and steady. The experience and confidence you will earn on this site will make you perform very well done at ISSB center, InshALLAH!
The verbal intelligence tests are further divided into different type of sub types which includes:
  • Once word Substitution
  • Insertion of Missing Letters, Numbers.
  • Word Forming
  • Jumbled Words
  • Formation of Correct Sequence, Series.
  • General Knowledge Questions
  • Synonym Test
  • Direction Test
  • Spotting the Stranger Test
  • Encoding and Decoding Test
  • Arithmetic Test

Non Verbal Intelligence Test:

Non verbal intelligence tests are expressed by means of objects, materials for instance, lines, drawing, pictures, etc. The same procedure is followed in this test too, you are given a no of question which you have to solve in mean time. Remember: Mechanical Aptitude Test held at ISSB Test centers contains negative marking too, which means for each false or incorrect answer a point of correct answer is deducted so you should be very careful and precise while solving mechanical aptitude test.
Non verbal tests includes:
  • Matrix Test
  • Sequence Test
  • Pattern Test
  • Relation Finding Test

* Tips to solve intelligence tests will be published latter and yeah, we got another announcement for you, we will be updating our site with verbal and non verbal intelligence tests soon which will hep you to master you intelligence test skills so keep visiting and stay up to date by liking our Facebook fan page.


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