Friday 18 April 2014

Verbal intelligence Test

Posted by Unknown

Verbal intelligence Test

1. Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits.
A. city
B. fruit
C. bird
D. vegetable

Correct answer: bird (parakeet)

2. Find the answer that best completes the analogy
people : democracy :: wealthy :
A. oligarchy
B. oligopoly
C. plutocracy
D. timocracy
E. autocracy

Correct answer: plutocracy

3. Find the answer that best completes the analogy
languages : meaning :: philology :
A. erudition
B. philosophy
C. ethics
D. semantics
E. grammar
Correct answer: semantics

4. Which one of the sets of letters below can be arranged into a five letter English word.

A. A T R U N
B. P O D E B
C. R N A S L
D. M O H A T
E. E T L R N

Correct answer: R N A S L (snarl)

5. What is the missing letter?

Correct answer: H
Explanation: Convert each letter to its numerical equivalent in the alphabet e.g. the letter "C" is assigned the number "3". Afterwards, for each row, multiply the numerical equivalents of the first two columns in order to calculate the letter in the third column.

6. Find two words, one from each group, that are closest in meaning.
Group A
Group B

A. raise and elevate
B. raise and top
C. floor and basement
D. stairs and top
E. floor and elevate

Correct answer: raise and elevate

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Thursday 17 April 2014

G.T.O (Group Testing Officer)

Posted by Unknown
G.T.O (Group Testing Officer) TestGroup discussions
The group discussion or group discussion task has assumed great importance. In the Group Testing Officer Task or G.T.O Task, the candidate creates the first impression on the Group Testing Officer (G.T.O) and other members of his group. The good performance of the candidate in the task of group discussion creates a good impression on the Group Testing Officer, and enrich his role in subsequent group tasks. As first impression is the last impression, hence the candidate must try his best to show his worth in group discussion.During group discussion all candidates are arranged to sit in a circle. In the beginning every candidate introduces himself, like which city he belongs to, his educational qualifications, hobbies etc.  Thereafter, the group discussions exercise begins. In this task, usually, two subjects are read out to the candidates and they are required to choose one of them for the sake of discussion. The subject which is agreed upon by the majority of the candidates is accepted by the Group Testing Officer for discussion.
Helpful Tips for Group Discussions
  • Carefully listen to the briefing of the Group Testing Officer.
  • Take interest in the discussion and remain very active during the discussion.
  • Try to understand the topic first and make your effort to take lead in determining the choice of the subject.
  • Talk with confidence to the whole group looking in the eye of each candidate, and you must not keep looking at the Group Testing officer.
  • Don’t be rigid in your ideas, must accept criticism with open mind.
  • Co-operate with others in friendly manner.
  • Remember its not the command of English language checked during this discussion, do not hesitate even if you are making grammatical mistakes.
Group Planning Exercise
This exercise begins soon after the Group Discussion, It is an outdoor task, where the Group Testing officer reads out the narrative and with the help of the sand-model or sketch map explains the situation to the candidates. The map or model contains the scale, legend etc. If the candidates required any clarification to some pints, then it is cleared by the Group Testing Officer.
Thereafter, the candidates are to write down their individual solutions in the paper provided for the purpose. The candidate are not allowed to consult each other while writing down their solutions. The candidate have to write down their chest numbers on the tip of the writing papers.
The time for this written work is about 10 minutes. Thereafter, the candidate are required to discuss among themselves the situation and problems so as to arrive at a group solutions or plan. Every candidate is desired to express his views on the situation.
All the candidates must arrive at a group plan. In the case the whole group is not unanimous in deciding the solution, then the plan accepted by the majority of the candidates is presented as the plan of the group.
Then one of the candidate who is selected by the group itself stand up as a spokesman and present the plan to the Group Testing Officer.
The time limit for discussion presentation is the observation and study of natural phenomena all around him. The time limit for discussion and presentation of the group plan is usually 20 minutes.
After the presentation of group plan, the Group Testing Officer may ask the other candidate to give comments or criticism or suggestion. If any, to improve or modify the plan.
Helpful tips for Group Planning Exercise
  • You must strive for winning the distinction of being the spokesman of the group.
  • The situations in these planning exercises are usually involved destroying the enemy and his equipment, his bridges etc. You must examine the narrative and try to understand the situation. Try to catch the importance of the matter in your mind before presenting your solution to the group members.
  • If your given judgment appears to be wrong then you must admit it cheerfully and quickly.
Physical Tasks
For these physical tasks you should be carrying white short shirt, while shorts, white canvas shoes and white socks.Progressive Group task
This task falls in outdoor series of tasks. In this task a group of 8 to 0 candidates are required to cross 4 obstacles of hindrances or restrictions in 40 minutes as a whole group. In tackling these hindrances, the candidates have to attach much importance to bridge, lever and swing as well as the helping material which they have to carry while crossing obstacles. Group testing officer will explain the nature and rules of task in the beginning.
Helpful Hints for Progressive Group task
In tackling the obstacles of “Progressive Group Task”, there are as a matter of fact, three main principles which are involved. They are, lever, bridge and swing. The plank or planks that are employed as helping material can be used either in the form of a lever  or bridge according to the circumstances. A rope should invariably be tied, as the case may be, to the remotest end of the lever or bridge. This is very essential because it becomes impossible for the candidates to get or pull back the plank once they crossed over.Some of the fundamental rules which the Group Testing Officer clears to the candidates before beginning the task are;
  1. Out of Bounds Rule
    The whole ground area and any other structure painted red between the start line and the finish line, and their helping materials and loads are out of bounds to the candidates. There is punishment for any candidate or any object that touches the out of bounds area. The defaulter have soon to go back to the star line of that obstacle. If any object touches the out bounds areas, then the object should be carried back by the defaulter to the stat-line and then it should be brought forward again.
  2. The Four Feet Rule
    The candidates are not permitted to jump any distance exceeding 4 feet either in length or in height. Such distances, are to be crossed with the assistance of the helping materials (ropes or bellies).
  3. The Group Rule
    Every obstacle should be crossed by the whole group with its material and load, before the next obstacle is tried by  anybody in the group.
  4. The Time Rule
    The task should be concluded in 40 minutes. There is no time limit for each of the four obstacles which are included in this task.
In the following hindrances, with the assistance of a plank and two ropes, the candidates are required to cross it over, where candidates are forbidden to jump up or down or cover a distance of four feet. There is punishment for any candidate or any object that touches the out of bounds red area. The time require to tackle the hindrances is 40 minutes.
Half Group Task
In Half Group Task candidates of a group who are, usually 8 to 10 are divided into two groups. In this task, each half group has to face only a single hindrance. They must carry the main material and the helping material with them, on crossing the obstacle to the other side of the obstacle.Example
Within the starting line and the finishing line, there are two wooden platform Q and R and a moveable drum P. The middle portion of the drum which is marked red, is out of bounds. There are also three small planks lying outside the starting line. The candidate should cross over from the starting line to the finishing line with the aid of those small planks.
Final Group Task
In the series of Group Testing Officers’ outdoor tasks, the “Final Group Task”, is the last task. The time allowed in this task is usually 10 minutes but generally it is shortened by one or two minutes. As this task , once again is a task of group as whole, hence the qualities of team spirit, co-operation, initiative, proper planning, etc will count much.Example
In the following obstacle, the candidates are given a rope, a plank and a structure. It is also their duty to take wounded man on the structure. The red portion is out of bound in this task.

Individual Obstacles
It is the individual task of each candidate, where candidate has to face every obstacle or hindrance or restriction in his individual or personal manner. These obstacles are usually 10 in  number which are to tackled by a candidate in a brief time of 3 minutes only.

  1. Long jump.
  2. Walking over inclined small wooden planks.
  3. Crawling like a monkey.
  4. Waking across parallel ropes.
  5. Rope climbing
  6. Passing through tyre.
  7. Tarzan swing
  8. Tarzan jump.
  9. Crossing over horizontal plank.
  10. Running over inclined plank.Command Task
    In this task, each candidate in the group, is selected in turn as commander by the Group Testing Officer. The commander chooses three or four candidates as his assistants for tackling an obstacle. The commander will be successful in his task if possesses qualities of a leader. He should be very intelligent in the selection of his assistants, in imparting them proper brief instructions, in getting labor out of them and assisting them properly whenever required. The assistants of the commander should also strive for the success of their leader. All the way, they should carry out his orders with sincere spirit and loyalty. The main purpose of the Group Testing Officer in the performance of command task, is to assess the value of the candidate as a commander. He also gets a glimpse of the qualities of the assistants of the commander, The candidates should also prove themselves to be useful, sincere, and loyal subordinates.The time allowed for the execution of the command task is usually 10 minutes.
    Helpful Hints
    • As a commander he should avoid seeking any suggestions from his subordinates.
    • In order to perform the duty of a commandership the candidate should avoid to do the work himself. He should supervise the whole work. At times, if necessary, he can extend his helping hand to others in the performance of smooth work.
    • The candidate as a commander, must see that nobody stands idle.
    • He must give utmost importance to the items of planning, supervising and execution of the work.
    • He should select a place which can enable him supervise the work in a most efficient manner.
    In this problem, the commander is supplied with a little wooden ladder P and a small wooden plank Q. The portions of the material which are indicated in the black shades are allowed to touch the ground between the finishing line and the starting line. Otherwise it is, for material and men out of bounds.
  11. Personal Interview
    In interview, generally, such questions are put to the candidate which bring out his common sense, his familiarity with the current national and international happenings and current social and political trends of the world.Remember, the person who conducts interview is not merely interest in his mere knowledge. Its gibes close attention to the candidate’s reactions to various situations. It may, intentionally, endeavor to upset the mental stability of the candidate in order to discover his true personality. The Interviewer may attempt to annoy or provoke him by pronouncing his incorrectly, by not offering a chair to sit immediately, by asking to person certain odd errand, like, fetching water, serving tea, removing some furniture, etc. It is against respect to his by deliberately attributing certain wrong statements to him, pointing out to certain sports on his clothes, mixing up of personal facts. There are instances, where the interviewee has been asked to sing a song, recite a poem, crack a joke, etc. Such curious situations are coined by the Interviewer for bringing our the true value of the interviewee. In all such odd circumstances, the interviewee should attempt to retains his calmness and presence of mind.Usually the subjects for interview are Indo Pak history, World history, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, General Knowledge, Current affairs.
    Helpful Hints for Personal Interview
    (1) Speak in natural way: The interviewee should not speak fast, incoherently or inaudibly in the course of an interview. He should try to speak every word in a well pronounced and distinct manner. He should speak in quite a natural way. Every word should be quiet clear and well pronounced. Slang words should be avoided altogether. Every person develops his won method of speaking. It is not wise to imitate the style of any other person.
    (2) Don’t Bluff : It is always a wrong practice to bluff. The interviewee should never forget that the interviewers are scholars, well read, accomplished and experienced people and they seldom mistake in judging the real worth of the candidate. It is beneficial for the interviewee, therefore, that he should be as frank, truthful and sincere as possible.
    (3) Don’t be rude : A person should develop the habit of politeness. It has a great importance in the case of a candidate. Some candidates, finding themselves unable to answer a few questions, lose their temper and even become rude. This is a dangerous habit and should be abondoned.
    (4) Sticking to one’s point of view : In an interview, the interviewee should stick to his own point of view. The candidate is expected to have distinguished personality of his own and his preference and prejudices and his definite ideas on important matters. Once a candidate has expressed his approach to a certain problem, he should stick to it, even though the interviewer may express his disagreement with his views. An instance will make this point more clear. If the candidate is of the view that there is food shortage in the country, then he should not agree with the interviewer that the country has not real food deficit, simply because they have so insisted.
    (5) Argument and challenge : To try to be “clever” is something bad and harmful. One should not throw a challenge or put question to the examiner. Avoid argument with him. Never tell him that he is wrong. When he says something, listen to him patiently and attentively, even if he is wrong. The interviewer should not be interrupted when he is talking. Avoid given offence to the interviewer in any form.
    (6) Manners : “The loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind” Goldsmith. You may laugh with the examiner but not at the examiner.
    *Do not smoke unless your are asked to. Don’t offer a cigarette to the examine.
    *Look at the examiner in the face without staring. A candidate with wandering eyes is liable to give an impression of being unreliable.
    *Do not continually move small articles like ashtrays, smoothing your hair or do movements of that sort. These habits suggest lack of confidence.
    *Do not try to show off your knowledge on any subject unnecessarily. Try to be sticking strictly to the point.
    *Do not start chewing sweets, gum or pan which can be objectionable.
    (7) Dress : The candidate must appear in an appropriate dress as demanded by the Board. Suitable dress impresses the examiner. It also helps producing a favorable impression on the minds of his fellow competitors.
    (8) Above all keep faith in ALLAH (God)
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Written and Intelligence Test in ISSB

Posted by Unknown
Intelligence Test
The mode of these written intelligence tests for the selection of suitable officers for the Defense Forces of Pakistan at the ISSB is not very difficult. The candidate is required to make use of his acquired knowledge and his own inborn intelligence to solve problems. The questions set in these tests do not require long answers, but they are required to reply in “yes” or “no” or put a tick around the correct answer or to write the serial number of the correct answer out of a few suggested answers on the given sheet of paper, which usually begin from easy to lengthy questions. Although, question set in these tests are not so difficult but the time of answering these questions is short. The candidate has to make up his high speed in answering these numerous questions.
” There are two kinds of intelligence tests, Verbal and Non-verbal.
Verbal Tests
In Verbal Tests, the items are expressed in language forms. These tests are of various types, like;
  • Inserting of missing letter
    Example: Day is to night as truth is to “Falsehood”. (In this sentence the missing word falsehood has been inserted)
    Example 2: Man is to run as bird is to ———
    Answers: Fly, Run, Weak (correct answer is Fly),
  • Inserting of missing number or figure
    Example: Complete the series:
    2, 6, 9, 13, 16, –, –In missing figure questions, a series of drawing or patterns or designs are arranged in the particular pattern and the candidate is asked to choose the required figures out of the choices indicated, which will come next in the series. These are the non-verbal types of tests.
  • Words Forming
    This test measure the ability of the candidate in word building. Here, the words are built either by prefixing (before) or suffixing (fixing at the end) new letters or taking off from or adding new letters to the body of the words.Example: Imagine a single letter which when added to the body of the following words forms entirely new words;
    Solution: The candidate will see that if the word R is added to each of the given words then new words will be; FIRST, TRICK, HEART, BURST
    Hence the answer is R
  • Jumbled Words
    The word jumble means to be mixed together without order.
    Example: Which choice mentions the last letter of the word from the following jumbled spelling?
    Choices: L, B, F, T
    Answer: L (the correct word is Football)
  • Formation of correct sentence
    Example: Rearrange the following jumbled words to form a sensible sentence.
    • (1)The bud nipped must be evil in the.
      (2)All cats are not cats but all animals are animals.
      (3)One of the foretell to shape things cannot come.
    • (1)The evil must be nipped in the bud.
      (2)All cats are animals but all animals are not cats.
      (3)One cannot foretell the shape of things to come.
  • General knowledge tests
    This is a test of general knowledge where the candidate is required to keep his general knowledge up to date.
  • Alphabetical test
    This test is based on alphabets. If a candidate has sharp memory then this question becomes quite simple.
    Example: It takes 3 minutes to boil an egg. How much times will it take to boil 6 eggs together?
    Choices: 18, 6, 3
    Answer: 3
  • Completion test
    In this test, some letters of the words, whose meaning are given against them are missing, the candidate is asked to fill in those missing letters.
    Example: Insert suitable letters in the following:
    • (1)-ar-e (big)
      (2)quick-y (fast)
      (3)-h-rt (not tall)
      (4)-m-ll (not big)
      (5)-LL-H (creator)
    Answer: (2) L G (2)L (3)S O (4)S A (5)AA
  • Synonym test
    The word synonym means “a name or word having the same meaning with another”
    Example: Write the number of the pair of the words which do not possess the same kind of meaning as the others?
    • (1)Honesty and Integrity
      (2)Bondage and Freedom
      (3)Risk and Danger
      (4)Pain and Agony
    Answer: (2)
  • Direction test
    This test required a keen sense of section. The candidate must remember the distance covered in the direction. This will help him to answer the question correctly.
    Example: If you start from point A and walk 5 miles towards the west, then turn right and walk 4 miles towards the north, then turn right again and walk 3 miles, then which choices mentions the direction in which you are going?
    Choices: North, South, West, East
    Answer: East
  • Spotting the stranger
    The candidates are supplied a group of words or numerical values in this test. Some of the words in group relate to one particular class but one or more words do not belong to that class.
    Example: Write the number of the subject which is dissimilar from the other subjects;
    Choices: Principal, Professor, Headmaster, Teacher, Students
    Answer is ‘Student’
  • Coding and decoding
    Giving code or artificial values to letter of alphabet. The word code means “a collection of digit of law or a system of rules and regulations” . Letters of alphabets in this test do not stand for themselves but for some other letters.
    Example: if Y C V G T means W A T E R then what does H K T G mean?
    Solution: In this question;
    • Y stands for W
      C stands for A
      V stands for T
      G stands for E
      T stands for R
    A careful observation brings out that each letter in the alphabets stands for the letter two paces preceding it. Using the same principle, the letter H K T G will stand for F I R E.
  • Commonsense test
    This is a simple and easy test and it required only a common sence.
    Example: 5 years ago, khalid was 10 years older then ali. What is the difference between their ages at present?
    Choices: 10, 5, 15
    Answer: 10
  • Multiple choice test
    In this test, an incomplete statement is followed by some alternative choices as answers. The candidate is asked to chose one or more suitable choices of answers that complete the question or the statement.
    Example: Which choice answers the following question?
    Islamabad is famous because;
    • (1)It is very clear city.
      (2) Numerous foreigners live in it.
      (3) The president lives in it.
      (4) It is the capital of Pakistan.
    Answer is (4)
  • Arithmetic test
    These type of tests involves some arithmetic values which are added, multiplied, divide, subtracted by some other numerical values.
Non-Verbal Tests
The non-verbal intelligence tests comprise of;
  • Matrix test
    In these tests a series of designs are displayed. The candidate is required to complete the series or delete any particular design which does not relate to the series.
  • Word association test
    The word association means, free association in which a word serves as the stimulus object. Candidates are advised that while using a word as stimulus, not to write lengthy sentences. Meaningful and brief sentences are very helpful.
  • Thematic apperception (Picture story) test
  • Physiological situational test (the story of Theo or Mr. “X”) etc..
Analogy Tests
One word substitution, Insertion of missing letter, Insertion of missing number or figure, Word association, Jumbled words, Sentence completion test, Letter distinction, General Knowledge Test, Alphabetical test, Completion Test, Synonym test, Direction test, Spotting the stranger, Code test, Coding and decoding, Commonsense test, Multiple choice test, Arithmetic test etc.Word association test : This test give an idea to a psychologist whether a candidate can perfectly understand and initiates or originates new ideas in his mind. In ISSB, there are only 50 words which are to be tested. Each word is kept before a candidate in a printed form on a car board. In some cases hand written words may also be displayed. The candidate is given only 15 second for each words for using as a stimulus. i,e. Love, Fortune, Power, Father, Stop etc.
Self Description test
This test is very important test in the series of psychological tests. In this test the candidate is asked to give a pen picture, giving all the good and bad points of himself. This test is also studies by the interviewing officer who first form an opinion regarding the candidate in his mind without seeing or talking to him. Generally, the interview is based on the information given in the self description of the candidate, so as to confirm as to how far the information given by the candidate is correct.You should not conceal your weak points and mention only good points. You should make a free, frank and bold confession of your weakness and faults if any. You should discuss different aspects of your personality separately to make it easier for the psychologist to assess your personality. These aspects could be;
  • Physical aspects
  • Social aspects
  • Educational background
  • Parentage and economic status of the family
  • Morel and religious practices
  • Interest in cultural and co-curricular activities
  • Who are your best judges, like what your parents, friends or enemies think about you.
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Tuesday 17 December 2013

Introduction to PMA Courses

Posted by Unknown

Induction In Pakistan Army's PMA Long Course

Induction is open to all eligible Pakistanis irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region.
  1. NATIONALITY. Male citizens of Pakistan or Azad Kashmir domicile holders and State Class-1 Citizens.
    1. AGE ON 01 NOV
      1. CIVILIANS
        1. Intmed or Equivalent   -   17-22 Years (Relaxable for three months both in upper and lower age limit under special circumstances)
        2. Graduates for PMA Long   -  17-23 Years Course
      2. Serving Armed Forces Personnel   -   17-25 Years
    2. MARITAL STATUS. Unmarried (serving personnel of the Armed Forces over 20 years of age are eligible, even if married).
    3. TRAINING PERIOD.   2 years at PMA
      1. CIVILIANS Intermediate with minimum 60 percent marks. The candidates with domicile and having actually been studying in Balolchistan, FATA, District Kohistan, Chitral, Dir, Tehsil Bala Kot (Kaghan, Naran) of District Mansehra in NWFP, Tharparker and Tehsil Umer Kot in Sind, District Rajanpur, area of Cholistan Desert, Drawer Fort, Salamsar,Mojgarh, Dingarh of Punjab and Northern Areas, can appear with 55 percent marks.


    1. Candidates who have passed part-1 of Intermediate examination with minimum 60% marks and have appeared/appearing in Supplementary of part-II/final examination and whose result will be announced by 30 Sep 09 can also apply subject to provision of original part-1 marks sheets along with "Hope Certificate" by the head of College/University that they have good chance of passing the finals examination with minimum 60% marks. Such candidates will deposit their original Part-II certificate/mark sheets along with 4 x attested copies to GHQ PA Dte. PA-3(a) within the stipulated time otherwise their selection will not be processed further.
    2. Candidates not issued with Matric certificates or in possession of duplicate / revised mark sheets / certificates of Matric/ Intermediate /BA/BSc MUST get a verification certificate signed by Secretary/Controller Examination of concerned Board/University.
    3. In case a candidate fails to report for ISSB on any ground, ISSB is not obliged to recall the candidates.
    1. MINIMUM HEIGHT    -    5'.4" (162.5cm)
    2. PHYSICAL FITNESS. The candidates will have to qualify the following physical standards at the time of preliminary selection:-
      1. 1.6 KM Run       -    7.5 Minutes
      2. Push Ups           -    15 repetitions in 2 Minutes
      3. Sit Ups               -    15 repetitions in 2 Minutes
      4. Chin Ups            -    3 repetitions in 2 Minutes
      5. Ditch Crossing    -    7'.4" x 7'.4" with a depth of 4'
  4. REGISTRATION AND PRELIMINARY SELECTION Candidates can either register through Internet or by visiting AS&RCs:-
    1. REGISTRATION AT AS&RCS. Candidates will be required to report along with necessary documents at following Army Selection and Recruitment Centres for registration/allotment of Roll No and date/time of written test etcetera:-
      (1) Peshawar201-5885(2) Rawalpindi561-34137
      (3) Lahore6699-5855(4) Multan531-5885
      (5) Hyderabad;791-5885(6) Karachi560-5885
      (7) Quetta081-2490-58(8) Gilgit05811-961-5887
    2. REGISTRATION THROUGH INTERNET. A candidate can register himself through internet for preliminary test. Date and time of test shall be intimated through internet for which the individual should have an E-mail account. Candidates MUST attain working knowledge of computer as registration and tests will be conducted on computers. Candidate registered through internet will bring Rs.150/- for fresh and Rs.100/- for repeaters as registration fee on the day of test along with original certificate.
    3. WRITTEN / INTELLIGENCE TEST Written/Intelligence test will be based on multiple choice questions from English, Math, Pak Studies, Islamiat and General Knowledge.
    4. SCHEDULE OF REGISTRATION / TESTS Registration and Tests will be held as per following schedule:-
      Registration :May and October
      Tests :December and Jun onwards
    5. DOCUMENT REQUIRED AT AS&RCS. Following Certificates alongwith one set of photocopies are required at the time of registration:-
      1. Matric Certificate and Matric Detailed Marks Sheet (Both compulsory). In case of 'O' lvl/'A' lvl, submission of Equivalence Certificate issued by IBCC is mandatory.
      2. Certificate/Detailed Marks Sheet of FA/FSc/Equivalent.
      3. Computerized National Identity Card for 18 years and above or Computerized Form "B" alongwith Guardian's Computerized National Identity Card (Father or Mother) for less than 18 years old.
      4. 6 x Coloured Photos duly attested (front and back) by Principal/class 1 Gazetted Officer.
      5. One set of attested photocopies of above mentioned documents.
      6. Old National Identity Card and Form "B' will not be accepted. Original as well as three photocopies of "NOT RECOMMENDED" letter by Inter Services Selection Board is also required for "Repeater" Candidates.
    6. PRELIMINARY SELECTION. The candidates declared successful in written/intelligence tests will undergo physical/medical tests and preliminary interview at AS&RCs. However, repeater candidates will only be required to undergo medical/physical tests and not the written/intelligence tests.
    7. FURTHER SELECTION. Candidates qualifying preliminary selection will be sent to ISSB for further tests. Medical examination of ISSB recommended candidates will be carried out at nearby CMHs The final selection will be made at GHQ on the basis of candidate’s overall performance.
    1. Screened out twice by ISSB.
    2. "Not Recommended" twice by ISSB/GHQ Selection & Review Board
    3. Declared medically unfit by an Appeal Medical Board(Army).
    4. Enrolled Cadets and recruits withdrawn/resigned/discharged/dismissed from Armed Forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) training academies/institutions on the grounds of discipline. Character, medical, inefficiency, weak profile, or declared unsuitable.
    5. An individual dismissed/removed from any other Government service.
    6. Convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
  6. PAKISTAN NATIONALS RESIDING ABROAD. Eligible candidates residing abroad are exempted from Preliminary Selection. However, Defence Attaches are requested to ascertain their overall suitability, physical deformity and stammering aspects. The candidates are advised to approach Pakistani Embassies (Military/Defence Attaches) in the country where residing or Personnel Administration Directorate PA-3(a), GHQ Rawalpindi, for issuance of application forms only. They will submit their application forms alongwith connected documents through Pakistani Embassies. A postal order of Rs. 100/- and a bank draft of Rs. 500/- in the name of Director Personnel Administration-1., Personnel Administration Directorate, GHQ Rawalpindi will be attached with the application form. Postal address in Pakistan should also be indicated in the application forms so that call up notice for ISSB Tests/Interview and further correspondence to eligible candidates can be made on the given Pakistani address. No traveling allowance will be admissible.Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities other than Pakistani.
  7. PRIVATE COACHING CENTRES FOR ISSB TESTS. According to existing rules of Armed Forces, Pre-ISSB training cannot be imparted by any individual or private coaching centre. GHQ Personnel Administration Directorate denies any link with such illegal & unethical training establishments throughout the country. Any candidate found trained/coached in any private coaching centre will be liable to be not recommended.

Technical Cadet Course

  1. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS. Candidates must fulfill the following conditions of eligibility:-
    17-21 years relax able for three months both in upper and lower age limit under special circumstances.
    b.MARITAL STATUS-Unmarried Male only
    c.QUALIFICATIONS-FSc (Pre Engineering) Physics, Maths, Chemistry/Computer Studies/Computer Science with minimum 65% marks or Senior Cambridge or GCE 'O' level passed (English being compulsory) in five subjects plus 'A' level passed in Maths, Physics and Chemistry/Computer Studies/Computer Science in Grade 1-6/A-C.
    1. Minimum Height-5'.4" (162.5 cm)
    2. Vision Standard
      1. Distance Vision. 0020 With glasses 6/9, 6/12
      2. Near Vision. J2, J7 or N8, N12 with or without glasses.
    3. Average Weight Standard.  Should not exceed standard weight for given age and height (Physical Standard chart for weight and height is available with all AS&RCs).
    4. Notes
      1. Candidates possessing foreign qualifications such as Senior Cambridge or 'O' level and 'A' level etc will be required to obtain equivalence certificate and conversion of marks from Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), Ministry of Education, Islamabad and attach it with the application form.
      2. Candidates passed FSc Part-I Examination with minimum 65% marks and appearing in FSc Part-II Examination in various Education Boards may apply subject to the provision of certificates by the PRINCIPALS of their colleges that they will pass the said examination with minimum 65% marks and attach photo copy of result card of FSc Part-I with the application form.
      3. Candidates with Computer Science instead of Chemistry in FSc can apply for Computer Software Engineering only.
    5. NATIONALITY. Citizens of Pakistan, domiciles of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Northern Areas. Pakistani candidates having dual nationality will initiate the process for renunciation of their foreign nationality and will give an undertaking before joining the Army that they will complete the procedure for renunciation of their foreign nationality before completion of their training. Those failing to renounce their foreign nationality or to complete the procedure will not be granted commission. They will be liable to pay the training charges/bond money and will instead have to seek release/discharge from the Army.
    1. Twice screened out or twice rejected by ISSB.
    2. Declared medically unfit by Army Appeal Medical Board.
    3. Cadets who resigned or were withdrawn/discharged/dismissed from Armed Forces Academies/Institutions.
    4. An individual removed, discharged or dismissed from Government Service.
    5. Diploma holders.
    6. Convicted by a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
    7. Those studying in any of the Armed Forces Institutions/Academies or nominated against reserved defense quota seats/studying as Paying Cadet in any of the Armed Forces Technical Colleges.
    Candidates can either register through Internet or by visiting nearest AS&RC.
    1. Candidates will be required to report along with necessary documents , at following Army Selection and Recruitment Centres for registration/allotment of Roll No and date/time of written test etcetera:-
      (1) Peshawar201-5885(2) Rawalpindi561-34137
      (3) Lahore6699-5855(4) Multan531-5885
      (5) Hyderabad;791-5885(6) Karachi560-5885
      (7) Quetta081-2490-58(8) Gilgit05811-961-5887
    2. REGISTRATION THROUGH INTERNET. A candidate can register himself through Internet on our website for entry test. Date and time of test shall be intimated through internet, for which the individual should has an E-mail account. Candidates MUST attain working knowledge of computer as registration and tests will be conducted on computer. Candidate registered through internet will bring Rs.150/- as registration fee on the day of test along with original certificates.
    3. WRITTEN TEST. Written test will be based on multiple choice questions from English, Physics, Maths and Chemistry/Computer Science (Only for CS students)
      RegistrationDuring the month of Mar
      TestDuring the month of April
    5. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AT AS&RCs. Following Certificates along with one set of Photocopies are required at the time of registration:-
      1. Matric Certificate and Matric Detailed Marks Sheet (Both Compulsory). In case of 'O' Level/'A' Level, submission of Equivalence certificate issued by IBCC is mandatory.
      2. Certificate/Detailed Marks Sheet of FSc/Equivalent.
      3. Computerized National Identity Card or Computerized Form "B" alongwith Guardian's Computerized National Identity Card (Father or Mother).
      4. 2 x Colour Photos (duly attested front and back) by Principal/Class 1 Gazetted Officer.
      5. One set of attested photocopies of above mentioned documents.
      6. Old National Identity Card and Form "B" will not be accepted. Original and 1x photo copy of Inter Services Selection Board "NOT RECOMMENDED" letter is also required for "Repeater" Candidates.
    1. The candidates declared successful in written test will have physical and medical tests at AS&RCs.
    2. Short listed candidates will receive notice for ISSB tests through website as well as call letters.
    3. Medical Examination at CMH/MH.
    4. Final selection at General Headquarters on merit. Allocation of disciplines will also be made strictly on merit. Allotment of discipline/decision of GHQ will be final and no representation in this regard or request for change in discipline allotted will be entertained.
    1. Academic
      Duration 4 Years at
      (1)Civil Engineering
      Military College of Engineering Risalpur (NUST).
      (2)Telecommunication Engineering
      M­ilitary College of Signals Rawalpindi (NUST).
      (3)Computer Software Engineering
      (4)Electrical Engineering

      College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Rawalpindi (NUST).
      (5)Mechanical Engineering
      (6)Computer Systems Engineering
      (7)Mechatronics Engineering
      (8)Aeronautical Engineering
      College of Aeronautical Engineering, Risalpur (NUST).
    2. Military Training. One year military training at PMA after obtaining Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Degree.
  8. BOND. Finally selected candidates will be required to sign a bond to serve the Army for a minimum period of 13 years.
  9. COMMISSION. On completion of Technical Studies at concerned college and military training at Pakistan Military Academy Kakul, cadets will be awarded BE Degree and commission in the Pakistan Army as Capt
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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Posted by Unknown

ISSB Complete Questions..Which are Asked From 2008-2011 (ISSB's)

Name the Seven Wonders Of World..........?
1 Chichen Itza
2 Christ the Redeemer
3 Taj Mahal
4 Petra
5 Great Wall of China
6 Colosseum
7 Machu Picchu

Name The Capitals Of,
Denmark--kopn haigan
Poor-tau Prince

Common Knowledge
Bone: there are 206 bones in human body.
Flat: his feet are not flat.
Swift: commandos are swift defenders.
Flag: may the flag of our country always up!
Pretty: Pakistan is a very pretty piece of earth.
Tough: i won even the competition was very tough
what fraction come between 1/3 and 1/4 ?
**In mY views we will add the fractions and then divide by 2 you will get accurate answer
Suppose You are In Jungle, Unarmed, You have Come Across a Tiger, At That Time, what Will You Do...???---

Some info about pak
Area - Total 796,095 km2 (36th) 307,374 sq mi – 
Ghawa e badar kb hua ? kitny muslim thy n kitny kufara??? ghaz wa e khyber?? haj kb frz hua ??? al ghazwat..........nimaz kb frz hoi ???? etc
forces ma kiun ana chahtay hain,,,,pakistan k sides pa kuan si countries hain...north east west etc....pochien gy k pakistan k irad gird kya h   ya pochn gy East m kya h pakistan k....................dawred line kya h????  pakistan k indian sarhad k sth kitna fasla h????? bs b confident !!! koi masla ni hota chill maro :)
app ki merits n de merits kn kn c hain ???
Aim of lyf..?
Merits in the eys of Friends.??
name ??f/name. educational acievment...APP KE HEIGHT?
motto of army,navy n paf .......??
motto of army :       ”Imaan, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah” or ”Faith, Piety, Holy War in the path of Allah”. 
...OIC=?  SAARC … Abbrivation batao……… headquter khn hn in k..??  kitny mumalik rokun hn in k…???
F.Sc=? kis ka abbrivation h ? MBBS ??
CSS= Central Superior Services.
5% of 30?

The Senate has____ members
The National Assembly has ____ general seats, _____ women seats and _____ non-muslims seats? 

Let's share some General Knowledge..

1. I.Q. = Intelligence Quotient
2. a.m = Ante Meridiem
3. p.m = Post Meridiem 
...4. e.g. = Exempli Gratia
5. i.e. = Id Est (That is to say)
6. SIM = Subscriber Identity Module 
7. OK = Objection Killed
8. NEWS= North East West South...

1. kia aap ne kabi B.P deki hey?
2. Aap ne B.P ketni baar deki hey?
3. Aap k face se lagta hey k 200 ,300 bar deki hogi.
4. Aap ne B.P kaha or q deki?
5. B.P passand ayi?
6. Dekne k baad kia kiya?
7. Aap H.P karte hu?
8. H.P q nahi karte?
9. Any girlfriend/boyfriend?
10. How many girlfriend/boyfriend do u have?
11. DAT per kabi gaye hu?
12. Kabi apni girlfriend/boyfriend k sath sex kiya hey?
13. Kabi apni girlfriend/boyfriend ko touch kia hey?
14. Larki me kia cheez passand hey or q?
15. Agar me aap se aik raat k liye apki girlfriend mangoo tu muje doge kia?
16. SEXUAL URGE kaise pore karte hu?

Haider Ayub
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ISSB Interview

Posted by Unknown

ISSB Complete Questions..Which are Asked From 2008-2011 (ISSB's) By Haider Ayub

1. What is 5% of 80?
2. What is 5% of 90?
3. What is 2.5% of 60?
4. What is 25% of 80?
5. IF you got 540 marks out of 1000 than tell me about ur %?
6. If you got 640 out of 1000 than tell me about ur%?
7. What is 60% of 400?
8. What is 2% of 90?
9. What is 90% of 2 rupees?
10. Which is greater?  6/7 or 5/6?
11. Which is greater? 1/7 or 8/7?
12. 1/2+3/6=?
13. which is greater? 5.5 or 6.6?
14. If your monthly income is 1200 what will ur yearly income?
15. If your earning 1100 rupees per week what will ur monthly salary?
16. What is 10% of 600?
17. 1 dozen egg price is 22 rupees what would 30 egg price?
If U got 200,000 Rupees what will u do for Those 200,000 Rupees.?
If a Shirt is of 50 and Your Shop is of Your Relative he gave u 15% discount then on what Price will u buy that After 15% discount..?
What is 35% of 450.?
What is 22% of 90.? 
If 12 Eggs are of 9 Rupees then 5 Rupees k Kitne hounge..?
If Plane is going with 90km/hour Speed then in 35 Mint how mUch distance will it covered..?

** Height of pole.
Height of pole is 75 m .1/5 of pole is inside ground how much above the ground height of pole is 120 m .1/6 of pole is inside ground .how much above the ground
height of pole is 81 m .1/9 of pole is inside ground .how much above the ground height of pole is 99 m .1/3 of pole is inside ground .how much above the ground
height of pole is 150 m .1/2 of pole is inside ground .how much above the ground.........
**height of pole 36m.1/3 of ploe is inside ground.and 1/4 of pole is concrete(upper ).what is the remainning portion.
height of pole 30m.1/3 of ploe is inside ground.and 1/2 of pole is concrete(upper ).what is the remainning portiont.
height of pole 180m.1/3 of ploe is inside ground.and 1/4 of pole is concrete(upper ).what is the remainning portion.
height of pole 100m.1/4 of ploe is inside ground.and 1/5 of pole is concrete(upper ).what is the remainning portion.
height of pole 160m.1/4 of ploe is inside ground.and 1/8 of pole is concrete(upper ).what is the remainning portiont.

*if the height of a tree is 240m its 30% part is inside earth.. Its remaining part?168m.
*Agar team k all players first 10 balls pe out ho jain to kn sa player notout rahay ga.---8 nmbr.
* If a person purchased One shirt costly 350from his Friend Shop, And his Friend gave him Concession of 15% then How Much Rupees U will Bought that Shirt............??
* Which is Bigger,
1/3 or 2/5.........simple.
2/3 or 4/5
cross multiply karein 5*2=10 And 3*4=12
So Left side value ziada hah so 4/5 bara hah,
* 4/5 or 6/5
9/8 or 2/3
5/4 or 12/11
**Distance :
the speed of air craft is 180 km/ much the aircraft travel in 20 min.
the speed of air craft is 300 km/ much the aircraft travel in 30 min.
the speed of air craft is 150 km/ much the aircraft travel in 60 min.
the speed of air craft is 200 km/ much the aircraft travel in 30 min.
the speed of air craft is 120 km/ much the aircraft travel in 20 min.........

Percent question:
what is the 80 % of 80.
what is the 20 % of 40.
what is the 10 % of 180.
what is the 80 % of 20.
what is the 20 % of 240.

Discounted Questions.
What Was the Rate of Discount If A Boat Which Cost 5000 Was Sold For 4800.???
Yes 100-96=4% discount

Pakistan National Flag
Green part of the Flag symbolizes? 
White vertical bar in the Flag symbolizes? 
National Anthem approved in ?
National Anthem's Verses Composed by
National Anthem's Tune Composed by
National Anthem's Duration

Abbreviation .

UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
SUPARCO,Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission
OIC,Organization of the Islamic Conference
FATA,Federally Administered Tribal Area
INTELSAT,International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
APTEC,All Pakistan Technology Engineers Council.

General Knowledge
Name Largest Dam.?--in pakistan its tarbela-----syncrude tailings dam of canada is largest in worlld
From Where Indus Highway Start & Where it Goes.........??its start 4rm karachi and ends at go tilll dera  adm khaill
gdp and ndp
what is diff b/w zakat and tax
what type of fried u like?
if u got 10 million rupee than what will u do?
when you tell a lie?
what is kkh?
name the deputy speaker of national assembly
and others ministers names.......
indias president?
y to join airforce?
study in co-education?
Which Prophet Is Said to Be "Abu-al Bashar"........ADAM (A.S)
What Is GT Road & Who Made It...............?????? GRAND TRUNK ROAD. BY SHER SHAH SOOORI.......2500km long.... strtzz from bangladesh and goess to jalalabad kabul.

Haider Ayub
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