Wednesday 17 August 2016

Story from a Picture in ISSB

Posted by Unknown
Ali is a student. He studied late night for his exam, Early in the morning he wake up pray fajor prayer. After prayer he get ready for exam and went towards examination hall, when exam was finished and result are out, he got excellent marks, and went happily towards home, to share his happiness with his parents. 

Alya was living with her mother and sister. Alya has her home responsibility on her shoulder. She was working in a social organization she work very hard. She wake up early in the morning and was going to her office, suddenly a car came and hit her. She was badly hurt, the driver afraid and run away. Another car passing near by stop and took alya to the nearest hospital. After treatment and rest she was fine again and live happy live with her mother and sister

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Wednesday 30 March 2016

Non Verbal Test Sample

Posted by Unknown

This is a Hand Made Sample of a Non Verbal Test for ISSB and other Army Selection Tests. Try to Figure out the Answer.
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Verbal Test 2

Posted by Unknown

Type of Question in Verbal Ability:

  1. Completion of Series: In this type, a series is given in which  a word, letter, a figure or digit is missing somewhere in between or at the end and the candidate is required to insert it.
    • Example 1: Find the missing, 3,7,11,15,__,__    Ans: ( write it in the comment box)
  2. Relationship of Analogy Tests: This is a mathematical type of exercise. There is certain type of relationship between two objects or ideas and bye establishing the same kind of relationship between the third and the fourth, the missing object or idea is to be provided.
    • Example 1: Q1 Bird is to fly as man is to _______ Ans: (write it in the comment box)
    • Example 2: Q2 Watch is to wrist as ring is to ______ Ans: (write it in the comment box)
  3.  Relationship Test: There is a certain relationship between the pairs of words.
    • Example 1: Write the number of the two word which have the relationship as tailor and clothes. (1) Cobbler (2) Doctor (3) Medicine (4) Shoes Ans: (write it in the comment box)
  4. Jumbled Spelling Test: In this type of test, jumbled spelling of common words are given. The candidate is required to think out the correct work. Sometimes a hint about the nature of the word is also provided.
    • Example 1: Which choice mentions the last letter of the word rearranged from the following jumbled spelling: Q: COYEKH is an outdoor game. Options: Q,X,Y,H.
  5. Coding and Decoding Test: In these tests, number, letters of alphabet do not stand for themselves but for some other letters, i.e., they have an artificial code value. These artificial or code values are given according to some set principle. By applying that principle the candidates can decode a coded word or number.
    • Example 1: If HKTG means Fire, what does YCVGT mean ?
    • Example 2: If 3=0, 4=4, 5=10, 6=18 then 7=?
  6. Multiple Choice or Best Reason Test: In this case a question or an incomplete statement is followed by many possible alternative choices as answers and candidates are required to select the more appropriate choice that completes the statement or answers the question.
    • Example 1: Delhi is famous because (a) It is very neat city (b) It is the capital of India (c) The President and PM live in it.
  7. Same Class Test: In this type of test, a group of words is given. Some of these words belong to one particular class but one ore more words do not belong to that class.
    • Example 1: Write the number of object which is different from the other objects in the following collection: (a) Teacher, (b) Professor, (c) Student, (d) Head Master, (e) Principal.
  8. Synonym Test: In this type, pairs of words with the same meaning are given. But a certain pair of such that the meaning of the two words in the pair is not the same. Candidates are required to pick it out and write the number of that pair.
    • Example 1: Write the number of the pair, the words which do not have the same type of meaning as the others. (a) Agony and Pain, (b) Danger and Risk, (c) Freedom and Bondage, (4) Integrity and Honesty.
  9. Antonym Test: In this type some pairs of words have opposite meaning but a certain pair of a different nature. Candidates are required to pick out the same.
    • Example 1: Write the number if the pair, the words of which have a relationship different from the other pairs. (a) Compulsory, Voluntary, (b) Help, Obstruction, (c) Excess, Surplus, (4) Food, Famine.
  10. Direction Sense Test: In this type of test, the candidates are required to make use of a keen sense of direction and remember the distance covered in each direction.
    • Example 1: If you start from point A and walk 4 miles towards the east, then turn left and walk 3 miles towards the north, turn left again and walk 2 miles, which choice mentions the direction in which you are going? (a) North, (b) East, (c) South, (d) West.
  11. Common Sense Test: In these type of tests, the candidates are required to make use of their common sense only. Alternative choices for suitable or probable answer may or may not be provided in this type of test. Candidates have to draw upon their own past experience.
    • Example 1: 3 years ago, Lakshmi was 5 years older than Sita. What is the difference between their ages today?
  12. Sequence Test: In this type, one is required to concentrate on correct sequence of days of the week, months of the year, sequence of words in the dictionary or sequence of letters of alphabets, etc, etc.
    • Example 1: If fifth of the month falls two days after Monday, what day of the week will precede the 19th of the month.
  13. Blood Relationship Tests: One is required to have fair knowledge of blood relations.
    • Example 1: X and Y are children of Z. Z is the father of X but Y is not the son of Z. What is Y to Z?
  14. Jumbled Sentences Tests: In this type the words forming a sentences are jumbled up and candidates are required to rearrange these to form a sensible sentence.
    • Example 1: Rearrange the following jumbled words to form sensible sentences. (a) All animals are animals but all cats are not cats.
  15. Confusing Instructions Tests: Questions of this type are simple to solve but instruction issued are confusing. The students are required to study the questions carefully and understand in which way the answer is to be expressed.
    • Example 1: If 1/2 when added to 1/4 makes 3/4. Write “wrong” unless 3/4 when divide by 1/4 makes 1/3 in which case write ‘right’
  16. Assigning Correct Mathematical Signs: Sometimes arithmetical questions involving addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are written but arithmetical sign are omitted . Candidates are required to insert these.
    • Example 1: 24_5_4=9 .
  17. Word Building Tests: This type of test is meant to test the ability of students in word building. For example: forming new words by suffixing or prefixing new letters or taking off from or adding new letters to the body of words.
    • Example 1: Think of a single letter which when prefixed to the following words forms new words: READ, RISK, OWL, RING, RIGHT.
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Wednesday 23 April 2014

Mechanical Apptitude Test ISSB

Posted by Unknown

If the wheel rotates as shown, P will
Which way does wheel X move?
Which nail is most likely to pull out of the wall?
Which tank will cool water fastest?
Which tent peg will give the best hold on soft ground?
Which weight will be easiest to lift?
Which plank is most likely to break?
If the handle is moved as shown, how will the hooks M & N move?
The diameter of pulleys A and C is 10 cm and pulleys B and D is 5 cm. When pulley A makes a complete turn, pulley D will turn
If the drawing is of water pipes, which will carry most water per metre length?
If the blocks are all of the same material, which is the heaviest?
Which chain would support the weight by itself?

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Sunday 20 April 2014

Introduction To Intelligence Test Verbal & Non Verbal

Posted by Unknown
Verbal and NonVerbal Test
Verbal and Non Verbal Test

Intelligence is the ability to abstract, compare, contract and classify
- Ebbinghans
Intelligence is the power of reasoning and adjustment to new situations
- Cyril Burt
The word intelligence has been defined in different ways by various psychologist, but they all are agree to one simple definition which states:
“Intelligence means an innate ability to solve problems”
This ability is not gained by reading books, doing exercises, but is available from person to person from his birth. This intelligence is the essence of the faculties of understanding, reasoning, judgement, adaptability, persistence and self-criticism.
A man apart from the general intelligence has special aptitude. Hence, it is essential to select the appropriate person for the appropriate job. Intelligence test have been  evolved by the Federal Public Service Commissions and other various civil and military examinations in Pakistan to select suitable persons for fulfilling various appointments in the different departments.
These test are also conducted are also conducted by Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB) for candidates who are willing to join Army, Air Force and Navy. Therefore, the test of intelligence became the key point of all vocation test.
The advantage of these test is that it helps in selecting only those candidates who are not only sound in their body but also in their mind. As in their service these potential officers are faced with many complicated situations in which not only their own lives but also lives of hundred thousands are also at stake and if the officers are not sharp enough in intellect, they can not withstand heavy odds.

Types Of Intelligence Tests Held At ISSB Test Centers

The two types of intelligence tests held at ISSB Test Centers includes:
  • Verbal Intelligence Test.
  • Non Verbal Intelligence Test.

Verbal Intelligence Tests:

Verbal intelligence tests includes items that can be expressed in language forms. In this test you are given with a large no of questions which you have to solve in a very short period of time. About 80 questions in half an hour were when I passed my ISSB. The candidate must begin with with solving the easy ones and leaving the tricky or bit lengthy mathematics questions for remaining time at the end. You should try your best to answer them correctly while remaining clam and steady. The experience and confidence you will earn on this site will make you perform very well done at ISSB center, InshALLAH!
The verbal intelligence tests are further divided into different type of sub types which includes:
  • Once word Substitution
  • Insertion of Missing Letters, Numbers.
  • Word Forming
  • Jumbled Words
  • Formation of Correct Sequence, Series.
  • General Knowledge Questions
  • Synonym Test
  • Direction Test
  • Spotting the Stranger Test
  • Encoding and Decoding Test
  • Arithmetic Test

Non Verbal Intelligence Test:

Non verbal intelligence tests are expressed by means of objects, materials for instance, lines, drawing, pictures, etc. The same procedure is followed in this test too, you are given a no of question which you have to solve in mean time. Remember: Mechanical Aptitude Test held at ISSB Test centers contains negative marking too, which means for each false or incorrect answer a point of correct answer is deducted so you should be very careful and precise while solving mechanical aptitude test.
Non verbal tests includes:
  • Matrix Test
  • Sequence Test
  • Pattern Test
  • Relation Finding Test

* Tips to solve intelligence tests will be published latter and yeah, we got another announcement for you, we will be updating our site with verbal and non verbal intelligence tests soon which will hep you to master you intelligence test skills so keep visiting and stay up to date by liking our Facebook fan page.
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Friday 18 April 2014

Mathematical Intelligence Test

Posted by Unknown

Mathematical Intelligence Test

1. Which number should come next in this series?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 10
D. 14

Correct answer: C
Explanation: The pattern decreases progressively: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5

2. Which number should come next in this series?
A. 4
B. 21
C. 31
D. 34

Correct answer: D
Explanation: 3+5=8, 5+8=13 and so on.

3. Which number should replace the question mark?



A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

Correct answer: A
(For each row the sum of the first two columns is equal to the multiple of the last two columns)

4. Which number should replace the question mark?

A. 3
B. -2
C. -6
D. 48

Correct answer: C
(For each row subtract the second column from the first column. The result is equal to the sum of the digits in the last column.)
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